Rodolfo +506 8701 6266 & Inka +358 40 5676616


There is always that QUESTION?
Where to stay before the tour? Where to park my car safely? Where to leave my luggage?
We have the solution for all of these! Come and stay with us!


Arbol de Vida

Cute and absolutely brand NEW boutique Hotel Arbol de Vida is located downtown Puerto Jimenez. 
Five private rooms, with wi-fi, hot water and shared pool. 
We can accommodate up to 10 guests at Arbol de Vida.



Arbol de Vida: Sea Breeze Beach Bungalow

Located 50 m from the beach near the airport Puerto Jimenez, this cozy beach Bungalow accomodates two people


Casa de Inka

Private house with 2 bedrooms.
Fully equipped kitchen and AC and hot water in shower.
Swimming pool!

Toucan Nest

Build up in 6 m high in Ficus tree ths cute one bedroom casita has private shower and big balcony. Nestled in the tree!

Iguana Nest

In the roots of the ficus tree this cosy and cute casita accommodates 4 people in 2 beds. Nestled in the tree.

Services Included

Park Permits

We arrange all the park permits for you and your group with the local MINAET (Ministry of Environment).

Guiding Services

Rodolfo and all other guides we use are 100% certified by the national institute, and are licensed to guide you through Corcovado.

Transport Services

Let us take care of your transportation. We can organize taxis and boats for you to Corcovado. Just let us know your needs.


Stay with us at private house at Casa de Inka, The tree house Toucan Nest. 

...and so much more

We have lived and traveled plenty and therefore we do understand how it is to be outside your country. We understand that you have many questions and we are here always to help you solve them, is then finding a mechanic for your rent-a-car, your next location hotel, a doctors office, lost passport. No worries - we have experience in all this.  

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